Therapeutic Landscapes: Ritual, Folklore and Wellbeing

The call for papers is now closed. Full details of the programme will be published soon.

This event, jointly organised by the Arts for Health research group and the Folk Cultures group at the University of Worcester and will be held at the Art House, Castle Street, WR1 3ZQ on Saturday 9th March 2024

We invite artists, health practitioners, academics and historians who, both formally and informally, are investigating the intersections of ritual, folklore, magic and landscape and their implications for emotional health and wellbeing to present their work around (but not limited to) the following themes- 

• Convivial participatory art practices 

• Ritual and therapeutic practice 

• Emotional distress and embodied practice 

• Meditation and prayer

• Modern pilgrimage 

• Communal creative interventions in the landscape

• Mayhem and mischief and the carnivalesque 

• Rave and festival culture 

• Right to Roam

• Unsafe safe spaces 

• Modern Druidry and alchemical practices for mental health

• Mortality, ancestors and commemoration 

• Places of healing

• Caves, grottos, hidden places

• Stones and megaliths

• The psychogeography of post- industrial landscapes

• The feminine sublime

• Vision quests, dream mysteries and trauma healing

• Critiques of wellness culture

• Art Historical precedents to the above

Please send a short 300 word proposal and up to 8 images for a 20 minute presentation as one PDF document to [] by 1st December 2023

There will be a publication associated with the event and an exhibition alongside. 

Proposals for short performances, screenings and workshops are also welcome. 

Website :

Organising committee

Desdemona McCannon []

John Cussans []

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